Simona, the most exquisite variety

Arofa is congratulated.
We are very proud to announce that our raspberry variety P71 – Simona, has been awarded as an exceptional product by the Superior Taste Awards 2023.

The International Taste Institute has awarded our raspberry Simona as the most exquisite variety, recognizing its superior flavor and giving it its maximum score: three stars. The stars have been obtained after a sensory evaluation based on 5 criteria: First impression, vision, olfaction, taste and texture.

This award recognizes our commitment to our products and the constant desire to satisfy our consumers. A constant work of the entire Arofa team to offer the best range of products guaranteeing the highest level of quality, continuous improvement, competitiveness, growth, research and development.

The Superior Taste Award is an annual award that recognizes foods and beverages of excellent taste and quality. This prize is awarded by the International Taste & Quality Institute (iTQi), located in Brussels, and has a jury composed of more than 200 taste experts, from more than 20 countries. Its strict methodology makes the Superior Taste Awards the most renowned independent certification worldwide.


Simona (P-71) “Delicately sweet”

Fruit that stands out for its flavour, which is sweet and very juicy. It has a soft red colour, irregular shape, and medium consistency and size. Simple to pick, with long, uncluttered bunches of flowers. High sugar/acid ratio, it stands out due to its organoleptic qualities in any market.


Vigorous plants with stiff, dark brown spines. Firm leaves with very marked and characteristic serrated edges. High basal regrowth capacity throughout the crop cycle.vo. High resistance and root adaptation to all types of substrates and soils. High flowering/production capacity.

Production cycle

Simona is a primocane raspberry variety with a very short cycle, fast growth, minimal chilling requirements and exceptional adaptability to multiple light and temperature conditions. Flowering starts three months after planting. It offers high fruit production at first harvest.

Its exceptional flower initiation capacity allows the use of multiple forms of production in different crop cycles:


-Regrowth. (Mow down)

-Continuous cultivation. (Grow trough)

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